Yes You Can Education provides our students with an abundance of options when it comes to selecting their preferred study destination. We collaborate with numerous esteemed universities in Ireland that have been delivering high-quality Master’s programs for many years.
Regardless of the program you wish to pursue, Yes You Can Education is equipped to facilitate your admission to your ideal institution. Should you wish to make informed decisions about your future, please reach out to our education consultants for guidance on the country, university, and course that best align with your skill
Some institutions give up to €4000 to students with a 2:1 and up to €2000 to students with a 2:2.
Ireland accepts TOEFL, Duolingo English Test, IELTS and PEARSON.
You can speak with one of our consultants about our preparatory classes
It takes a minimum of 6 weeks for the visa to be processed
No, you cannot. Ireland doesn’t allow you travel with your dependants.
A Pre-Masters program is designed for international students who do not possess the required qualifications to advance directly to a Master’s program. For instance, a student who has completed an undergraduate degree in one discipline but wishes to pursue further education in a different area would benefit from this program. The duration of the program is one year, during which students acquire new academic skills and knowledge relevant to their field of interest. Upon successful completion of the Pre-Masters, also referred to as a Higher Diploma in Ireland, students can either transition into a Master’s degree or utilize the certification for employment opportunities both within Ireland and abroad
A Master’s program in Ireland typically lasts a minimum of one year. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are granted a work permit, allowing them to work in Ireland for a duration of at least two years
Below are the admission requirements should you pick an interest in any of the programmes.
Yes You Can Education is a longstanding education consulting firm enabling students pursue higher education goals
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Thank you for submitting your documents. One of our consultants will get back to you within 3 working days.